Saturday, August 27, 2011

Double Hump Brewery's First Beer: English Pale Ale

     The first attempt at brewing was with a kit that we purchased at our local home brew shop.  We thought that starting small would be a good tactic, but in hindsight I think we should have found a recipe and bought fresh ingredients rather than go with the stuff in the box.  Here are some pictures of our first time. 


We Brewed an English pale ale using Kent Goldings, German, and Cascade hops with an OG of 1.035 and 50 IBUs.  Lots of things were done wrong, but in the end getting to drink beer that you made was fun.  If you were lucky, or unlucky, enough to try this first concoction then leave a comment of what you thought.

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping for a higher gravity for a better alcohol content, and the beer was just too flat. Figuring our carbonation levels is a process I am still working out.
